Another landscape shot with trees. I like this one because, unlike the sunset picture, your eyes are free to wander and not be focused on a specific point. Taken in Vermontville, NY.
Nothing was cropped in this image, I just shot high to avoid as much light as I could from the stand below and adjusted the contrast to get the little bit of detail from the bottom of the overhang out. Shot using the chrome setting, which added a slight shine, though I don't know if it was a measurable change after adjusting levels and selective colors in Photoshop.
Similar to a shot I took a few months back at the boat basin. No post work except for a 1.3° rotation and cutting out a couple small points of light on the other shore.
This one is a bit more abstract than my usual work. A section of a glass window material that makes up part of the kitchen counter of a friend of mine. Macro, heavy work on contrast, and a slight warming filter.
I went for a half hour little walk in Lake Placid and the only shot without masses of people or cars that I got was this one thirty seconds into the trip. Came out ok, though, I used a cooling filter and dampened down any brighter colors in the background.
A little bit of an abstract view of the monument here in Plattsburgh. I tried to get some of the clothesline in the strip of black that was the building next to me.
A light use of a warming filter plus the shadow/highlight tool to bring out some of the texture of the material and the image of the bottle printed on it. I like using solid black sky for contrast.
There isn't much story to this image except I was lost and came across a train crossing. CoincidentlyI got lost taking a long drive a couple weeks later and came across the same crossing from the other direction.
A shot taken here in Plattsburgh at the boat basin. It was one of several test images, but most of the others were too busy with the masts of the sailboats. Bringing the boats into the shot only complicated the image, docks, people, etc.. So I decided to shoot at a different angle from a bit closer. The metal structure ended up being a bit dark so I raised the contrast to bring out the lettering.
Aperture wide open, eight second exposure. It was still very dark so I had to do some post production to distinguish the sky from the trees. I was lost somewhere on a back road near Peru, NY.
When I first took this shot I assumed it wouldn't come out well due to how much zoom was involved. Without a tripod most shots I take at this distance come out blurry because even the slightest movement moves the whole shot by as much as a quarter of the whole image in any direction.
This is of a binocular viewing platform at the Point Au Rochestate park. Of the several I took this one came into the best focus (my others set for macro weren't quite on) and coincidently this was the one I had turned the camera a few degrees to a drastically different angle.Minor post production to bring the washed out sidewalk a bit more into the image.
I used some contrast editing to bring out some detail. Lightroom was useful in adjusting the brightness of different portions of the image, drawing the eye to the mid-image area of light rocks.
This was of a plane being dismantled at the former Plattsburgh Airport. I found a trail in the backgroundthat fit well. Playing a bit with the saturation gave more texture to the aluminum.
This shot was almost a loss, the detail of the wood grain in the lit area of the table was almost completely washed, and levels were impossible to isolate to the area so my only option was to adjust the image as a whole which was a far too blunt adjustment. Eventually I found Photoshop's shadow/highlight tool was just right for bringing out the detail in the lit portion of the shot. This was taken in the new "Smooth Moves" coffee shop on the corner of Broad and Durkee here in Plattsburgh.
One of the few shots I've done on this blog that include people. 1/4 of a second, no flash. I hope to work a bit more on spontaneous shots as opposed to my "as found scene" stuff.
Here's a shot that was originally done in black and white. I played with some color temp and some shading to get the final image. Its not quite sepia, but it isn't far off.